Dedicated to the conservation and care of Gillespie Field

How we work
GPA's goal is to promote camaraderie and aviation safety among its members through fly-ins, meetings and special events. GPA works to insure that Gillespie Field remains friendly to General Aviation and that development and improvement of the airport are accomplished with input from the airport's chief clients, its pilots. The organization assists members in safety and education while helping the surrounding community come to a better understanding of the value of its local airport.
Members are pilots, student pilots, FBO's and users who fly out of Gillespie Field (KSEE) in El Cajon, California, and anyone who has an interest in the future of Aviation and Gillespie Field.
GPA is an all-volunteer organization set up as a non-profit mutual benefit corporation.
At the May 19, 2001 general meeting the members approved a new (and first, actually) set of by-laws for the association.

Gillespie Pilots Association helps ensure that Gillespie field remains "pilot safe and friendly". To accomplish that, we keep you informed about things that affect your airport and we work with those in a position to determine Gillespie's future. GPA is in close contact with the FAA, airport management, local governments, and the surrounding community.
Gillespie Field Development Council
GFDC is arguably the most important governmental body when it comes to Gillespie Field. There are five members of GFDC (three appointed by the County of San Diego, two by the City of El Cajon). They advise the Board of Supervisors regarding such things as airport land use (hotels or hangars?), expenditures from the Airport Enterprise Fund, and safety matters. Although the Board of Supervisors makes the final decisions, what GFDC says carries a lot of weight.
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