Welcome Members of GPA,
Please join us for GPA's Virtual Meeting. If you have any questions about the meeting, feel free to email us at gillespiepilots@gmail.com . If you have questions regarding the Zoom platform, please contact Zoom tech support https://zoom.us
On the agenda this week are some interesting topics you will want to know about:
Nall report on accident analysis for 2018 to include comment on a couple accidents in our area over the past few weeks
Scholarship opportunity information and deadlines from Women in Aviation
Construction progress update for Gillespie Field
Discussion of KSEE Runway 17/35 reclassification from B2, to B1-Small – and what that means to you
Airport Manager Cathe Johnson has requested comments
Antique Aircraft Display disposition for 2020 from Phyllis Trombi
Discussion about forming a Gillespie Field Advisory Council to work with and provide feedback to the airport management on issues affecting Gillespie Pilots
Election of GPA Officers - Nominations and voting for GPA officers for 2021
Nominations may be forwarded to Steve Geary before the meeting; sgeary11@me.com
Nominations will be taken until the election which will be done at the end of the meeting
Are we tired of “elections” yet?
Announcement of the winner for the free hour in the Redbird full-motion simulator
The Meeting – Rules of Engagement
Must be a paid member of GPA
The meeting will be hosted by Captain Denny Breslin, president of GPA
We are planning several agenda items and hope to have Airport officials online to answer questions but we cannot guarantee how it will all work!
All participants will be muted initially. There is a method of raising your hand to comment – we will try that – but success depends on how many pilots join the meeting.
Keep comments to a minimum – primarily questions about agenda items
Meeting will last one hour or until agenda items and Q&A are exhausted
Please have patience with the process as not everyone has experience with Zoom. You will need to contact Zoom and set up and account. It is free. It will allow you to download the Zoom app and configure it. Zoom works best on a computer with a good webcam. iPads and iPhones work, but are limited in features and it is unlikely we can take questions easily from those using smart-phones. Airpods or headphones are best for sound quality. You can test audio and video before the meeting.
Here is the link to Zoom.US: https://zoom.us
Click on the SIGN UP, IT’S FREE button on the top righthand side of your browser and sign up for a free account.
You can learn a lot about how it works and how to set up your computer at the Zoom help center: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206175806
When you get the Meeting ID and Password, you will be able to join the meeting just prior to
Gillespie Pilot's Association
GPA's general membership meetings are typically held the first Saturday of every month at 9:00 a.m. in the Gillespie Field Administration Building, 1960 Joe Crosson Drive, El Cajon, CA 92020. Refreshments are provided, and meetings usually last about an hour (though hangar talk can go on indefinitely afterwards).
Our general meetings are a good place for you to get to know your fellow Gillespie pilots and to find out what's going on at your airport.