Gillespie Pilots Association Meeting
Saturday April 1 - 0900-1000
Dear GPA Members and fans,
Tower: "Southwest 702, cleared for takeoff"
Southwest 702: "Tower, Southwest 702 switching to the way, as we lifted off, we saw some kind of dead animal on the far end of the runway."
Tower: "United 63 cleared for takeoff...did you copy the report from Southwest?"
United 63: "Roger, Tower, cleared for takeoff... yes, we've already notified our caterers."
Most airlines don't serve meals like they used to, do they? My, how things have changed! Your Gillespie Pilots Association changes, too - it just keeps getting better. Our meetings are packed with news you can use, and between meetings, we are working to make our airport accessible, affordable, and a fun place to fly. Join us for our monthly meeting this Saturday - and see what we're talking about.
Classic Aircraft Display -0900-1000 (have your airplane on East Transient Ramp by 0900)
What’s (left) in your Wallet? (100LL prices in San Diego)
GPA Finance report – Doug Ferry
Topgun Days – Guest: Frank Whiteley
Antique Aircraft Association - Guest: Karl Johanson
GPA Fly-out to Borrego Air Ranch April 22 briefing - Kathleen Devlin
Airport Manager Report & GFDC briefing
New Pilots introduction
Raffle drawing for
Redbird simulator -1-hour instruction
10 gallons of avgas from Golden State Aviation
From "Topgun Days 2023," Mr. Frank Whitely will introduce an event happening in San Diego for three days beginning Friday, May 12, through Sunday, May 14. Topgun Daysfeature panels and discussions by pilots and crew involved in filming the original Topgun movie and the newest Topgun Maverick.
Karl Johanson will tell us about the San Diego chapter of the Antique Aircraft Association, including the many events they sponsor and the scholarships they offer.
FLY-OUT TO BORREGO AIR RANCH (58CL) ON APRIL 22 - 1000-1400 - the briefing...
This is our first fly-out BBQ and spot-landing contest at former GPA President Rick Fordem's air park near Borrego Springs. Note - it is Borrego Air Ranch, (58CL), NOT the Borrego Valley Airport (L08) - so pay attention during the briefing! It is a 30-minute flight from KSEE...
We are limited to 20 planes due to parking - so sign up at the meeting to make sure we have room for you. Only GPA members or anyone wishing to join the GPA on the spot may come. It is a benefit of membership which costs you all of $20 for the year! If you have a plane with empty seats - let us know, we'll take signups at the meeting and try to fill the planes. Our backup date in case of winds or weather is May 6 after the GPA meeting.
The GPA will provide food and beverages - just bring yourself, your personality, and your landing skills. Pilots who identify as "spot landers," may enter our spot landing contest. But you have to RSVP, and you have to land between 10 am and 11 am. After that is lunch, and nobody cares where you land during lunch - but it is always better if you land on the runway!
Rules will be covered at the meeting. Airport information for Borrego Air Ranch is on our GPA website. You will need to download and print a copy to bring with you. Patterns, altitudes and course rules are very important for a safe operation, so you need to know them before you arrive.
A survey in the Santa Monica paper asks if they should close the airport. You can vote early and often - no personal information is required. Just say NO! I don't know how long the survey is active, just go and vote NO - and see what happens. Apparently, there is no limit to the number of times you can vote. So have at it. Here's the link:
HOUSEKEEPING - Coffee and donuts - Membership Renewals - Fellowship
Coffee and donuts are essential food groups for all pilots - and will be available in abundance at the GPA meeting. We have a lot of Vietnam veterans, including yours truly. This is the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, and I'd like to recognize and thank our veterans at our meeting.
If you have not renewed your membership for 2023, please do so at the meeting.
Check out our redesigned website. Captain Jim Gomboldhas been working overtime to rebuild it with some added features you may enjoy. We are working on connecting our membership signups, renewals, and donations so they are automatically recorded and the funds delivered where they are supposed to go. And don't forget to enter the RAFFLE for 10 gallons of AVGAS from Golden State Aviation - or - an hour of instruction in the full-motion AATD Redbird FMXcourtesy of your president.
See you in a couple of days,
Captain Denny Breslin
President GPA