This is a reminder that the Gillespie Pilots Association will be holding a monthly meeting on Saturday, October 3, 2015, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. It will be held at the Gillespie Administration/Terminal Building, 1960 Joe Crosson Drive, El Cajon. Our guest speaker will be California State Senator Joel Anderson.
Plan to bring your questions to the meeting, so that Senator Anderson can address them. Senator Anderson is running for the office of County Board of Supervisor, which is currently held by Supervisor Dianne Jacob. Please note that the Gillespie Pilots Association does not endorse any particular candidate. GPA has invited both candidate to speak and address the pilots. We anticipate the Supervisor Dianne Jacob will speak on the future to the pilots at a GPA meeting.
Free coffee and donuts will be served. Everyone who is affiliated with Gillespie Field and the aviation community is invited. We need to have a great turn out for this event, so it is important for you to attend!
Thank you in advance for your participation at this event.
Safe flying!
Leslie Day
V.P. Gillespie Pilots Association
Following the GPA meeting at 10:30 a.m., we will be flying kids through our EAA Young Eagles Program. We expect to have about 15 kids flying this month. If you are a pilot, and able to fly some kids, please reply to this email. Thank you in advance for volunteering for this important event!